Fighting over an Estate

Fighting over an Estate

Question: My Mother recently passed away. She did not have a Will. My siblings are fighting over everything. We had to each get our own attorneys. They are trying to remove the personal representative. It is such a mess and not what our Mother would want. What should...
Appointing a Trustee

Appointing a Trustee

Question: My Uncle just passed away and he has a Trust. None of the people he named as Trustee are available to act; some of them have passed away and others don’t want to do it. What can we do? Answer: Most people have a Trust for two reasons: First, to make passing...
Long Term Care and Asset Protection

Long Term Care and Asset Protection

Question: My friend’s husband had to go into a nursing home. She said it was $11,000 a month. It took all of their life’s savings. I am worried that will happen to my husband and I. What can we do to protect our money? Answer: I am so sorry to hear about your friend...
Inheritance and SSI

Inheritance and SSI

Question: We are including our grandson in our estate when we die. He is disabled and is receiving SSI and Medicaid. Will his inheritance from us disqualify him from his disability benefits? Is there anything we can do? Answer: Yes, leaving your grandson money may...
Michigan Estate Recovery Act

Michigan Estate Recovery Act

Question: I just received a questionnaire from the State of Michigan asking about my Mother’s home. What is that? What does it mean? Answer: That is the State of Michigan trying to recover money under the Estate Recovery Act. If your Mother received Medicaid benefits...
Medicaid- Single person in Nursing Home

Medicaid- Single person in Nursing Home

Question: My mother is in a nursing home; she is 89 years old. My father passed away a few years ago. My mother fell and broke her hip recently. It looks like she will not be returning home. She has a home, a car, and some money in the bank. What do I need to do to...